
Buttercup Venues | LA’s Premier Location Company
Providing Unique Venues for Events and Locations for Filming

To ensure that we can provide you with the most accurate information, please include as many details as possible about your event or filming project.

Information Needed for Events:

To get started with your event planning, please provide the following details:

  • Type of Project: Specify the type of event or brand activation, such as Brand Activation, Event, Product Launch, Music Event, Pop Up, etc.

  • Client: Send NDA if required.

  • Dates & Duration: Provide the dates and number of days required for the event, including preparation and post-event days.

  • Expected Number of Attendees: Indicate the total number of attendees expected at one time or specify if the event is ticketed.

  • Crew Size: Mention the size of the cast and crew involved in the event.

  • Budget: Let us know if you have an allocated budget for the project.

  • Square Footage Needed: Specify the total square footage required for the event.

  • Ceiling Height: Indicate any specific ceiling height requirements.

  • Specific Area of Town: Mention if there is a particular area or neighborhood you prefer for the event.

  • Parking Needs: Specify any parking requirements for the event.

  • Food and Beverages: Inform us if food and beverages, including liquor, will be served at the event.

  • Public Access: Specify if the event will be open to the public.

  • Sales: Indicate if you will be selling anything at the event.

  • Live Music: Inform us if there will be live music at the event.

  • Special Effects: Specify any special effects you will be using.

By providing these details, we can better understand your event requirements and assist you accordingly.

Information Needed for Filming:

To get started with your filming project, please provide the following details:

  • Type of Project: Specify the type of project, such as Commercial, TV, Film, Photoshoot, etc.

  • Client: Send NDA if required.

  • Dates & Duration: Provide the dates and number of days required for filming, including preparation and post-production days.

  • Expected Number of Attendees: Mention the number of cast and crew members involved in the filming.

  • Budget: Let us know if you have an allocated budget for the project.

  • Square Footage Needed: Specify the total square footage required for filming.

  • Ceiling Height: Indicate any specific ceiling height requirements.

  • Specific Area of Town: Mention if there is a particular area or neighborhood you prefer for filming.

  • Parking Needs: Specify any parking requirements for the filming location.

  • Special Effects: Specify any special effects you will be using.

By providing these details, we can better understand your filming requirements and assist you accordingly.

Bruce Kramer

310 804 4770

We look forward to assisting you with your event or filming project!