City of LA Requirements for Event Permits
In order to get the process started for your Event Permit the City of LA requires all of the information below.
Event Contact: Responsible person’s name, number, and email.
Name and Type of Event: Provide the name and type of the event.
Event Date(s), Time, and Address: Specify the dates, times, and address of the event.
Event - Private or Public and Number of Attendees: Indicate whether the event is private or public and the expected number of attendees.
Detailed Plot Plan: Show streets or event space location.
Access: Egress pathways, exit doors, fire hydrants, fire lane access.
Temporary Structures: Show tents, booths, and stages or platforms.
Food: Open flames, cooking/food trucks, show chair arrangements and eating area.
Live Performance: Provide a list of artists and the performance schedule.
Auxiliary Areas: Child play areas, VIP area, beer garden.
Supporting Equipment: Location of generator, large trash bins, porta-potties, carnival rides, car show.
Barricades: Show placement locations and indicate type.
LADBS Permits/Inspections Required: Stages over 30”, structures 12’ and generators.
LAPD Permits & Approvals Required: Live entertainment, alcohol, carnival rides.
LA Animal Control Required: Permit for live animals.